Small Projects Panel
CGI: Forbes Massie for Pitman Tozer Architects
Type: Framework procurement
Client: Peabody
Peabody had a number of small development sites which its larger architects could not find the time to resource. Claire spearheaded the Small Projects Panel for Peabody. This involved procuring a panel of six architects via open competition. No restrictions were set on who could apply in terms of turnover: the only requirement was that the firm should have completed one building. Over 300 entries were received to the competition in 2014 and 20 firms were shortlisted, with six small firms making it to the panel. All six firms were immediately given at least one site to work on: these schemes are now in the process of being designed and built.
The future of affordable housing – in pictures
The future of social housing? Peabody unveils designs by 20 young architects
“Peabody offers a glimmer of hope that things could be different. The 150-year-old trust has announced a shortlist of designs by 20 young architects that could become blueprints for the next generation of affordable homes.”